Home of the Backwoods Nature Blogger

Welcome to Doreyl's
Nature Blogging

Inspiration for the
Backwoods Nature Blog:

     This blog was inspired while living an adventuresome natural life-style close to nature in the Appalachian backwoods. Living artfully makes a connection to a world beyond day to day chores, a saving grace when faced with troubles and worry. The sheer joy of creating something new strengthens and renews my spirits.

     Discovery of something previously unknown or unseen gives a keen feeling of accomplishment and delight. When hiking our nature trails searching for an inspiring scene to paint, discovery is constant. Wild birds, so intent on feeding and building their nests, stay in position so you can sketch them. Even squirrels stop their nosey chatter and sit still on tree limbs to study the growing forest.

     To view nature undisturbed gives the most profound esthetic experience. No wonder people still attempt to capture this natural beauty on paper & canvas and have since recorded human history. So far in this series of workshops, art students surprise themselves at the creativity that bubbles up with each encounter with a wildflower or distant mountain scene.

     These on going true to life stories are written by award winning artist, naturalist and writer Doreyl Ammons Cain in the Appalachian backwoods.

     These stories are copyrighted and may not be reproduced in any form electronically, digitally, printed matter or by any other means without written permission from said author.

Doreyl Ammons Cain
Nature Art Blogger

Copyright © Doreyl Ammons Cain 2019-2099